Introducing Bach through Body Percussion


Using Body Percussion, here’s one way to introduce Bach ...  As shared at the Music Educator’s Conventions across the United States.

Since it’s complicated, begin by dividing to conquer.  Split the class into 4 groups, and give each group one rhythm to work on.  When they “get it” they can first put the piece together, then everyone can try the whole thing.  When they are successful at playing these rhythms they’re pretty excited and pleased with themselves.  Great fun!  For the lesson plan, see my Convention Blog at the top of this page, where you’ll find links to free sample lessons.


Bach Badinerie from Orchestral Suite #2

Did YOU go to my session at your state Music Educator’s Conference?  I’d love to hear what you thought.  Please send an email to ...

then look in this space!

Your session was one of the most beneficial that I attended at TMEA. I have always struggled myself with incorporating listening to the classics in my classroom. Beyond what we have in the Spotlight curriculum, I’m not always sure how I can incorporate it. I am a certified Orff teacher and I love that we can still use the Orff approach while listening to classical music by using your lessons. I also liked that you presented varying levels of lessons (i.e. ones I can use with my 2nd graders and ones I can use with my 6th graders!)


Thank you so much for presenting and I am looking forward to checking out your website. 

Alicia Arruda

Elementary Music Specialist

Thurgood Marshall Elementary School

Richardson ISD


Darva Campbell, an expert in Music for Early Childhood, has written an useable curriculum that makes musical competency accessible to teachers, parents, caregivers, and music teachers.

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